
June 2022

Irises June 2022 This page is devoted to all the blooms I have had around this time of this year. To be expected: Iris, alliums, Choisya, salvias, dahlias... Home Helleborus Salvias Dahlia Iris Weather-wise, this has been a very disappointing year so far: Mostly cold mornings and there hasn't been enough heat in the air to harvest any courgettes, and to top it all, I have been ill - stinking cold which plagued with a runny nose. Today has been a bit nicer to me, on the mend, but not 100% OK! Spotty Dotty I stumbled upon a video narrated by probably an Eastern European living in Kent and I saw these stunning, unique, weird but fantastic looking maroon, dark red ribbons UNDERNEATH its huge spotty leaves. I was immediately smitten. "I MUST HAVE IT." I declared to myself. A trip to Greenbrook Garden Centre, a most beautiful gc in Chelmsford, answered my PRAYER. I sorted of floating towards the till and paid for it and went home e


Irises Helleborus This page is devoted to all the Hellebores that I have. Hellebores are now setting seeds. In fact, some seeds have already exploded and ants are having a feast! Home Salvias Dahlia Iris June All gardens need some forms of constants - plants which will appear and reappear year in year out. Hellebores fill this role admirably as they are evergreen and will magically flower in deep, dark and dank winter. It's like fairies appearing in the gloom, when you're depressed, seeing no end to the miserable cold cruel days! Why hellebores? Hellebores are great naturalisers and they clump readily. Indeed, they need to be separated every few years. If you have clay soil, you will find that they are hungry feeders and big clumpsters. When dug up, you will have huge holes in the ground as their rootballs are huge. If you're lucky, you can tease out the numerous plants easily, but sometimes, you need to have a knife to carve the

Bearded Irises

Irises Bearded Irises This page is devoted to all the irises that I have. Some are yet to bloom and I will update as I go along. Home Helleborus Salvias Dahlia June Irises are wonderful evergreen perennials. They don't take up too much room and yet they are evergreen and require minimal care. Are bearded irises worth collecting? They are perfumed, some stronger than others. The ultimate perfumery is English Cottage, the fragrance of which can be enjoyed when you are standing nearby. It is also a rebloomer. Chocolate smells exactly like sweet and delicious chocolate, similar to Cosmos Chocolate. Some smell like bumblegum! Some scents can only be detected when kissed by strong sunshine. You really need to collect them to appreciate these irises. Once established, irises more or less look after themselves. Some are strong naturalisers, clumping in no time. Rhizomes not only grow sideways, but underneath. Remember that if the rhizomes ar

Ceres Plantery

Ceres Plantery September 2021 Ceres Plantery September 2021 On offer are Helleborus, salvias, dahlias, nerines, I might have seeds or plants for sale. Please email me for details! Helleborus Salvias Dahlia Iris June Autumn has made its presence felt by the omnipresence of spider webs. Wherever you move in the garden, you are covered with tenacious silky strands, all over your face and hair, rather annoying! Chelsea Flower Show has been a bit muted in colours and to see all the enormous monoliths being plonked into the show gardens is a bit disconcerting to me. Huge massive stones which, on one hand, are more akin to nature, and on the other, a bit over the top. I was rather taken with Brighter Blooms’s veg display. With all the scaremongering of food shortage, to see so many trays of edibles was indeed rather comforting. I loved W&S Lockyer’s plant Coming back to my own garden, my salvias are blooming. Salvia Patens Deep Blue is simp